Black Mold Removal

去除黑霉菌不仅仅是维护your home, it’s about ensuring healthy indoor air quality and keeping yourself and your loved ones safe.


Once you know that you have black mold in your home or office, it is crucial to remove it as soon as possible.

切勿尝试自行清洁黑色模具,因为这可能会导致进一步的污染,并使您有不必要的曝光风险。Contact Mold Busters today- 我们是经过15年行业经验的黑色模具去除专家。



Black mold,科学称为葡萄穗霉属atraorStachybotrys Chartarum,毫无疑问,其中之一18beplay官网 that can be found in our homes.

Due to its toxic nature, it has been linked to severe illness, respiratory disease, neurological damage as well as many other incapacitating conditions.


Black mold is common in buildings that have experienced serious water damage or flooding. It can be equally destructive in both new and old constructions, leading to compromised structural soundness, a decline in indoor air quality, Sick Building Syndrome and other serious health problems.

In fact, industry professionals often refer to black mold as theinvisible killerorsilent killerbecause people usually have no clue that they have a black mold problem until they start to experience severe, persistent and debilitating symptoms.


It’s not always easy, or even possible, to tell if a building is contaminated with black mold. In fact, airborne mold spores are so tiny that you don’t even know they’re there, often hiding in tight or inaccessible spaces such as behind walls, underneath flooring, and in attics.


If you’re concerned about a possible contamination in your home, office, cottage, boat, car or any other location, look for the following common signs of black mold:

  • Discolored walls:Discoloration of walls and other surfaces like ceilings and floors is a big tell of a mold problem. Yellow water stains on walls are often succeeded by black mold spots. Cracked or peeling paint, and bulging or bubbling wallpaper are signs that there is moisture in your walls. But before you jump to conclusions, you should contact a professional to conduct a mold test in order to confirm that it is, in fact, black mold you’re dealing with.
  • Musty odours:That stale, musty odour, typical in basements, is an obvious sign of mold growth. Once you notice there’sa musty odour coming from your home(most likely from a recently wet or damp surface), keep your eyes open for other indicators of mold. Damp boxes in your basement or garage, crystalline substances on basement walls, and tiny blotches on your water softener tanks are a few possible indicators of mold in the home.
  • Health symptoms:Watch for unusual or recurring symptoms such as coughing, sneezing, rashes, eye irritation or other allergy-like reactions. Ask yourself if anyone in your house has become hypersensitive to changes in environmental conditions. Are your children suffering fromrespiratory problems and experiencing allergic reactions什么时候他们在屋子里?如果是这样,您可能会在被黑色霉菌污染的空气中呼吸。
  • Poor ventilation (high relative humidity, condensation on windows and walls, etc.):Most modern homes are so air tight and poorly ventilated that they suffer from high humidity and increased concentrations of indoor contaminants like dust, bacteria and black mold. Poor ventilation also results in moisture (condensation) accumulating on ceilings, walls and other surfaces. And due to a lack of airflow, these wet areas take more time to dry, giving black mold the perfect opportunity to grow and multiply.

To ensure existing black mold problems are detected before they wreak havoc on your home and your health, frequently check for these common signs of mold.

Also, if you’re located in Ottawa, Montreal or surrounding area, consider consulting with one of ourcertified mold inspectors。Explain signs you’re noticing. Inspectors cannot conclude anything over the phone, but they may have a better idea of what you’re seeing, smelling or experiencing and whether it has anything to do with mold.

What causes black mold to grow in a house?


  • Water leakage:Leaks are one of the main sources of moisture for mold. Often we don’t notice leaky pipes, roofs, air conditioners, washing machines or toilets. By the time we do, the initial stages of black mold growth have already occurred. (Remember, it takes as little as 24 hours for mold to start growing after a moisture intrusion.)
  • Flooding:In the unfortunate event of a flood, water ends up soaking entire surfaces. Nothing is spared, not walls, ceilings, or flooring. Without your intervention, it could take several weeks for these materials to dry naturally. This is how many black mold problems start.
  • 不规则维护:For one reason or another, many homeowners do not stick to a regular maintenance routine for their homes. Common areas such as windows, HVAC systems, and plumbing need to be regularly cared for and inspected for signs of moisture and mold contamination.
  • Humidifiers:Humidifiers are great for adding moisture to dry air, but they are also perfect hosts for the growth and distribution of black mold throughout the house. This problem can be taken care of easily by cleaning the humidifier unit with an anti-microbial, anti-fungal solution and using a humidity sensor to control humidity levels.
  • 缩合:Condensation frequently occurs on pipes, in air conditioners and on walls (especially in attics and basements), providing all the elements necessary for mold growth.
  • Backed-up gutters:被阻塞的水沟停止了雨水的流动,​​从而导致这种水最终溢出并渗入房屋的墙壁或屋顶。如果找不到问题并尽早解决,则可能导致严重的霉菌生长。更糟糕的是,这种霉菌的生长正在发生behindthe finished walls of your home, where you can’t even see it.
  • Damp clothes:Some people dry their clothes indoors. Others sometimes leave damp clothes in their laundry baskets. If this is you, you could be inadvertently raising humidity levels in your home and setting yourself up for a black mold problem, not to mention persistent musty odours.
  • Humid basements:由于地下室的通风范围往往很差,因此与房屋中的其他房间相比,它们的水分和湿度更高(解释了我们经常在地下室注意到的霉味潮湿的气味)。再加上房主不经常检查地下室以进行冷凝或泄漏,黑色模具是生长的绝佳机会。
  • Water buildup around the foundation:Water can build up in your yard and/or in the area around your home’s foundation. By now we all know that this moisture will ultimately lead to black mold growth; but what homeowners don’t always realize is that this can also cause structural issues with their property. The problem is further amplified if the ground around the home is not sloping away from the foundation, which can cause groundwater to be directed and pooled around the foundation. A possible solution is to dig a drain to divert groundwater away from your home.

The following areas of a home are most prone to black mold growth and therefore most likely to need black mold removal:

  • Basements(由于水分侵入而导致地板,墙壁和地毯上的霉菌)
  • Crawlspaces(mold as a result of condensation on walls and ceilings)
  • Bathrooms(showering, leaky toilets and other sources of moisture give rise to mold on shower walls, tiles and grout)
  • Laundry rooms(washing machines, damp towels and poor ventilation can cause mold growth)
  • Kitchens(cooking, boiling water and washing without an exhaust fan causes humidity to accumulate and ultimately leads to mold growth)
  • 壁橱(storing damp or dirty clothing in a closed space can cause mold)
  • Underneath furniture(lack of ventilation, darkness, warmth and dampness can all contribute to mold growth)

Professional black mold removal is effective and yields long-lasting results. Call Mold Busters today for expert help with your mold remediation project.




Black mold, orStachybotrys Chartarum, is the deadliest and most dangerous species of mold, as well as the one that should be avoided at all costs.

Listed below are some of the most common symptoms of exposure to this deadly black mold:

  • Coughing, wheezing and difficulty breathing
  • Onset or worsening of allergies and/or asthma
  • 发烧
  • Itchy, watery eyes
  • 皮肤刺激和皮疹
  • 喉咙刺激
  • 头痛
  • Dizziness or nausea
  • 慢性疲劳和低能量
  • Anxiety and/or depression
  • 神经系统疾病
  • Cancer

See ourcomplete list of health effects and symptoms caused by black mold.


如果您怀疑霉菌,do your research:能够识别霉菌问题的第一个迹象,并知道何时需要进行模具的空气质量测试或表面样品。

Only amold testcan confirm the presence of mold for certain; therefore, if there’s any doubt, get your property tested.

If the results are positive for mold contamination, it is important to proceed with remediation. Acting fast is a must with black mold–if you don’t, the problem will only get worse, threatening your health and safety.

How to get rid of black mold

Video: How to Get Rid of Black Mold

当涉及黑模具时don’t take any risks by trying to get rid of it yourself。那里有许多博客作者和DIY爱好者说,在发霉的表面上涂抹漂白剂和水的混合物会杀死模具。

However, this is not true. This could actually make the problem worse.



For these types of black mold problems, hiring a remediation professional is your best and safest option. You can trust theIICRC-certified expertsat Mold Busters to give you fast and effective results with long-lasting protection against future mold growth.

Price Match Guarantee

我们甚至提供空气质量测试after the mold remediation to make sure that the black mold has been completely eliminated from your living environment.

The importance of professional black mold removal

系统black mold remediationservices play a huge role in improving your quality of life and protecting you from disease, not to mention keeping your property intact. In addition, these services are the only reliable way to prevent costly mold-related damage and loss.

Although the idea ofremoving mold从您身上看来,使用不当清洁技术可能会使您遇到的问题比您必须开始的更大的问题。当做错不可行时,除去自己动手的霉菌可能会导致霉菌孢子变成空中并传播到房屋的其他区域,在那里他们很容易被房屋的居住者吸入。

通过雇用aprofessional mold removal company, you can eliminate mold, protect your family and gain peace of mind knowing that you’re living in a safe, healthy environment.

Recurring black mold problems need to be dealt with by professionals who are able to remove mold safely and efficiently. When this is done, you and your family can return to your everyday, mold-free lives.