


cradosporiumsphaerospermumis a common airborne and cosmopolitan mold species. It belongs to the large group of Fungi called Ascomycota, which dominantly reproduce asexually through structured conidia. This simple manner of reproduction allows them to spread rapidly into new habitats. Like other members of the genuscradosporium, C。sphaerospermumis frequently isolated from indoor and outdoor air and living and decaying organisms [1].cradosporiumisolates were identified as a part of the human microbiome and were sometimes found to act as pathogens causing infections of the skin, toenails, sinuses, and lungs. Additionally, large concentrations of airborne spores of this species can cause allergic reactions, especially in individuals with asthma and other respiratory diseases.

On the other hand, this mold was also shown to have some valuable properties. It was demonstrated thatC. sphaerospermum甚至可以具有植物生长的促进能力。与未经治疗的对照相比,用这种真菌处理的烟草和辣椒植物在生长方面显示出显着改善。例如,胡椒花20天前开花,比对照植物的果实产生213%。有人建议该霉菌可以用作提高农作物产量的生物肥料[2]。

cladosporium sphaerospermum

值得注意的是,在最近的一项研究中,该物种被用作国际空间站(ISS)上的测试生物。在30天的实验中C. sphaerospermumwas grown exposed to Space radiation [3], which can be compared to the life on the surface of Mars. The results proved that this fungus could thrive under such harsh conditions. This was probably achieved by utilizing pigment melanin to shield and harvest γ beams and translate them to chemical energy in a process called radiosynthesis.


Generally, colonies ofcradosporiumsphaerospermum深色着色,通常用天鹅绒般的质地扁平[1]。这种橄榄至棕色的颜色源自该霉菌产生的黑色素,并在防止辐射和与其他物种的竞争中发挥作用。显微镜,C. sphaerospermum具有150-300μm的长度分支的树状分生孢子。主分生孢子齿状尺寸为3.5–4μm。分生孢子是产生分生孢子的茎,而后者则是孢子传播的无性器官。

与其他密切相关的物种相反,该霉菌的分生孢子没有位于分支点的淋巴结扩大。特征是C. sphaerospermum分生孢子是球形的,直径为3.4-4μm。另一个分生孢子,ramoconidia,也可以在连接多个孢子链的分支点上找到。然而,有些不同的特征,例如较大的分生孢子和非分支菌丝,有些特征有些C. sphaerospermumstrains, indicating morphological plasticity [4].


This mold is a cosmopolitan species that can inhabit many different ecological niches, growing at a wide range of temperatures and salt concentrations, and utilizes different food sources. It is mostly found indoors, with a tendency to thrive on moist, in bathrooms and kitchens if they are not properly ventilated. Due to its airborne nature, it can move and disperse quickly. Spore distribution by air allows easy colonization of many different substrates. Additionally, genome analysis suggested that this fungus can probably degrade different carbohydrate and protein complexes [5]. Besides some common habitats, such as decaying plants and soil, many other unusual habitats are reported: paint, textile, silicone, deep-sea, hypersaline water, dolphin skin, and even nuclear power plant in Chernobyl [1, 6, 7]. However, studies on molecular markers suggest thatC. sphaerospermumisolates may belong to several genetically and morphologically distinctive species [1].

Iscladosporium sphaeropermum对人类健康有害?

C. sphaerospermumbelongs to the group of species commonly contaminating indoor environments. Although it has potential as a pathogen and allergen, it is poorly studied in the literature [5]. Rarely have there been reports of phaeohyphomycosis, a lethal fungal infection caused by this species, mostly in immunocompromised individuals. More commonly, mold exposure is correlated with different reports of asthma, wheeze, and allergic rhinitis [8]. Asthma is an inflammatory condition of the lungs, and its incidence is continuously increasing around the globe, posing a significant healthcare problem. Microbial communities (i.e., microbiomes) of lungs and intestines are now considered as asthma driving factors. Recently, different microbiome analyses revealed that both fungi and bacteria are implicated in asthma development. The microbial interactions between different life kingdoms probably have an essential role in the pathophysiology of this disease. In the future, the assessment of fungal dysbiosis may be a valuable tool in preventing and treating fungi-associated asthma. Alternatively, the development of mold-associated therapeutics to target specific immune responses triggered by fungi could improve the life quality of asthma patients. [9].

The presence of18beplay官网 哮喘的发生率一直是几项研究的主题。cradosporium,,,,Alternaria,,,,曲霉,,,,andPenicillium模具被发现在更高浓度和diversity in homes of asthma patients [8]. Recently, a study has shown that mold contamination was more present in houses of healthy controls than asthma cases in 83.3% vs. 52.2%, with a statistically significant difference. Therefore, the contradictory reports classifyingC. sphaerospermum室内暴露是主要的哮喘敏化剂之一[10],需要对较大的哮喘病例组进行更多研究,以确认该物种的过敏反应。基于体内studies in a mouse model, it also seems that the host reaction triggered by this mold is not typical allergenic as expected but pro-inflammatory [11]. Interestingly, genome analysis of this mold detected a total of 28 genes predicted to be associated with allergy and among them genes that encode four class 1 hydrophobins which could be allergens specific tocradosporium[5]。


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  2. Li, Z. T.; Janisiewicz, W. J.; Liu, Z.; Callahan, A. M.; Evans, B. E.; Jurick 2nd, W. M.; Dardick, C. Exposure in Vitro to an Environmentally Isolated Strain TC09 of Cladosporium Sphaerospermum Triggers Plant Growth Promotion, Early Flowering, and Fruit Yield Increase.正面。植物科学。,,,,2019,,,,9,,,,1959.
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  9. Van Tilburg Bernardes,E。;Gutierrez,M。W。;Arrieta,M.-C。真菌微生物组和哮喘。正面。Cell. Infect. Microbiol.,,,,2020,,,,10,583418。
  10. Vincent,M。;Corazza,f。;Chasseur,c。Bladt,s。;Romano,M。;Huygen,K。;丹尼斯,o。Michel,O。霉菌暴露,特定的IgE敏化和临床哮喘之间的关系:一项病例对照研究。Ann. Allergy, Asthma Immunol.,,,,2018,,,,121(3), 333–339.
  11. Vincent,M。;Percier,P。;De Prins,s。;Huygen,K。;Potemberg,G。;Muraille,E。;Romano,M。;米歇尔(O。);Denis,O。对常见霉菌物种的炎症和过敏反应的研究:体外实验,小鼠哮喘模型以及一组哮喘患者的结果。室内空气,,,,2017,,,,27(5), 933–945.
  12. Featured image, Cladosporium sphaerospermum (UAMH 4745) on potato dextrose agar after incubation for 14 days at 25°C. Source:维基百科,Medmyco。


John Ward

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Charles Leduc


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